Clasificación de cosechas de vinos jóvenes

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Ver detalle de la Getariako Txakolina D.O. / D.O.P.


Vineyard surface (Has): 436 – Wine-Growers: 105 – Wineries: 33 – 2019 Harvest rating: Very Good– Production 19: 2,337,000 litres – Market percentages: 85% National - 15% International.


Mainly on the coastal belt of the province of Guipuzcoa, covering the vineyards situated in the municipal areas of Aia, Getaria and Zarauz, at a distance of about 25 km from San Sebastián.


Fairly mild, thanks to the influence of the Bay of Biscay. The average annual temperature is 13°C, and the rainfall is plentiful with an average of 1,600 mm per year.


The vineyards are situated in small valleys and gradual hillsides at altitudes of up to 200 m. They are found on humid brownish-grey limy soil, which are rich in organic matter.


WHITE: hondarrabi zuri (majority: occupies 90% of the vineyard), gros manseng, riesling, chardonnay and petit courbu.

RED: hondarrabi beltza. 
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