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Ver detalle de la El Hierro D.O. / D.O.P.


Vineyard surface (Has): 124 – Wine-Growers: 243– Wineries: 14– Harvest rating 19: Very Good– Production 19: 123,786 litres. Market percentages: 100% National.


On the island of El Hierro, part of the Canary Islands. The production area covers the whole island, although the main growing regions are Valle del Golfo, Sabinosa, El Pinar and Echedo.


Fairly mild in general, although higher levels of humidity are recorded in high mountainous regions. Rainfall is relatively low.


Volcanic in origin, with a good water retention and storage capacity. Although the vineyards were traditionally cultivated in the higher regions, at present most of them are found at low altitudes, resulting in an early ripening of the grapes.


WHITE: verijadiego (majority: 50% of all white varieties), listán blanco, bremajuelo, uval (gual), pedro ximénez, baboso and moscatel.

RED: listán negro, negramoll, baboso negro and verijadiego negro.
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