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Ver detalle de la Costers del Segre D.O. / D.O.P.


Vineyard surface (Has): 4,059 – Wine-Growers: 432 – Wineries: 41 – 2019 Harvest rating: Very Good – Production 19: 11,632,400 litres – Market percentages: 74% National - 26% International.


In the southern regions of Lleida, and a few municipal areas of Tarragona. It covers the sub-regions of: Artesa de Segre, Garrigues, Pallars Jussà, Raimat, Segrià and Valls del Riu Corb.


Artesa de Segre: Located on the foothills of the Sierra de Montsec, just north of the Noguera region, it has mainly limestone soils.

Urgell: Located in the central part of the province of Lleida, at an average altitude of 350 meters, its climate is a mix of mediterranean and continental features.

Garrigues: To the southeast of the province of Lleida, it is a region with a complex topography and marl soils. Its higher altitude is near 700 meters.

Pallars: Located in the Pyrinees, it is the northernmost sub-zone. Soils are predominantly limestone and its type of climate mediterranean with strong continental influence.

Raimat: Located in the province of Lleida and with predominantly limestone soils, it has a mediterranean climate with continental features, with predominantly cold winters and very hot summers.

Segrià: Is the central sub-zone of the DO, with limestone soils.

Valls del Riu Corb: Located in the southeast of the DO, its climate is primarily mediterranean-continental softened by both the beneficial effect of the sea breezes (called marinada in the region) and “el Seré”, a dry sea-bound inland wind.


Rather dry continental climate in all the sub-regions, with minimum temperatures often dropping below zero in winter, summers with maximum temperatures in excess of 35° on occasions, and fairly low rainfall figures: 385 mm/year in Lleida and 450 mm/year in the remaining regions.


The soil is mainly calcareous and granitic in nature. Most of the vineyards are situated on soils with a poor organic matter content, brownish-grey limestone, with a high percentage of limestone and very little clay.


WHITE: Preferred: macabeo, xarel.lo, parellada, chardonnay, garnacha blanca, riesling, sauvignon blanc, moscatel de grano grande o de Alejandría, malvasía, gewürztraminer and subirat parent. Authorized: albariño, moscatel de grano pequeño de Frontignan, chenin and viognier.

REDPreferred: garnacha negra, ull de llebre (tempranillo), cabernet sauvignon, merlot, monastrell, trepat, samsó, pinot noir, syrah and cabernet franc. Authorized: garnacha tintorera and petit verdot.
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