Guix Vermell Negre 2019, straight up and no gimmicks 

Every year in the Peñín Guide we nominate a small group of wines that, being tasted for the first time, signify a breakt...
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Much more than wine, the giants of the Peñín Guide 2021

Today we are happy to announce that the Peñín Guide has finally chosen its Podium wines for its 2021 edition, although we are...
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Costers del Segre, from sky to earth 

Although we are still locked up in our homes, nothing keeps us from mentally travelling to other places, so today we are going to take a lit...
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Xarel.los from Penedès that everyone needs to taste

There are grapes that have managed on their own merits to make their way onto the list of must-haves to be tasted and researched.&...
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Jerez returns to the top of Guía Peñín; the superstars of El Marco 

The whistle blows to start a new edition of Guía Peñín, which brings us to number 31st in our history. From today you can start browsin...
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The 'quejío' of the wines from El Marco

Over the last few decades we have become accustomed to the constant whining of the Jerez countryside and wineries, all o...
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