When to return a wine in a restaurant?

For many people, the moment of tasting wine in a restaurant is terrifying. They feel under pressure in a situation where they wond...
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Juan Luis Pérez de Eulate: "One can’t understand that if they force you to close down, they don't offer you any aid"

Interview with the wine distributor and owner of La Vinoteca, in Palma de Mallorca
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The miracle of Ronda 

We at Peñín would like to profit from the release of the latest assessment made by the tasting team of the Málaga a...
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Extremadura, wines of the sun 

There are still many wine-producing areas in Spain which remain far from the media spotlight. Their knowledge by the general publi...
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Wine Future 2021 and the virtual congress

The third edition of the international Wine Future 2021 summit has come to an end after four days of lively talks between professi...
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La Mancha and Valdepeñas, the importance of straightforward, popular wine

Today we publish in Guía Peñín 2022 the ratings of more than 240 wines from the producing areas of Mancha (188 wines) and Valdepeñas (55 win...
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Cheese and wine, friends or foes? 

The debate is on: does wine and cheese go well together? There has been much discussion on the subject for decades.
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Wine future sets out to discuss the future of the wine industry

Tomorrow marks the start of the third edition of this international event which, for the first time, will be entirely online
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Tips to enjoy Sherry wine even more

By now, we believe that no true winelover would question the fact that the wines of El Marco de Jerez are among the best...
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Sherry and Manzanilla in the room, all rise! (II)

If last week we talked about Manzanilla, in today's article it is the turn of Jerez wines, and we remind you that you can check th...
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The Peñín Guide to Spanish Wines in China celebrates three years of existence

Brings Spanish wines on the Chinese market closer to professionals and consumers
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Sherry and Manzanilla in the room, all rise! (part I)

Sherry and Manzanilla enter the tasting room of the Peñín Guide, everybody stand up! One must surrender to greatness whe...
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Chef Dani García: "There is a lack of talent in the world of politics"

Chef Dani García tells us how he is experiencing the pandemic and how he sees the current outlook for the industry.
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What is 'terroir' or 'terruño'? 

On countless occasions we have read or heard this word of French origin that producers repeat like a mantra: terroir, or its Spanish ad...
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Guix Vermell Negre 2019, straight up and no gimmicks 

Every year in the Peñín Guide we nominate a small group of wines that, being tasted for the first time, signify a breakt...
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