Synonyms: albillo real
This is an early budding and ripening grape, associated to the Vinos de Madrid Denomination of Origin, where it is most commonly cultivated, especially in San Martín de Valdeiglesias. <<It was a table grape throughout Castile and was considered the best grape for making rancio wines, such as the very famous San Martín de Valdeiglesias rancios (called blancos pardillos)>> (La Colección de Variedades de Vid de "El Encín" - 2003). It is a grape rich in sugar and low in acidity, making it an ideal grape to be used as a table grape.
Stylistically, one can find glyceric (fatty) wines, with an unctuous mouthfeel and white flower sensations. Its tendency to oxidise means that so far we have not discovered any single-varietal wines from old vintages.
Wines with the same grape variety
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